This past week has been absolutely crazy and despite the fact that I should be working on plans for my first week of school, I am on here posting pictures of my new classroom. I have to say I NEVER want to move and start a new job within a week ever again! Luckily the in-laws helped us move in and we got the new apartment set up pretty quickly...the classroom has been a different story. I didn't get many before pictures, but here are a few.
I was lucky to inherit the entire classroom library of the teacher before me! However, that combined with the library I had already accumulated was a lot to go through! It took me two days just to weed out books and organize them. I got rid of two boxes and stored three....I don't think I will need to buy books for a long time, which I have to admit depresses me a little.
Anyway, after two days spent solely on the library- I was finally able to start organizing and decorating. When I decided to go with this superhero theme, I thought Oh I'll keep it low key, they're fifth graders, they probably don't like cheesy stuff anymore.... Well it was a little difficult to keep it low key and of course I went a little overboard, but I could have done much more! And I like cheesy so they will just have to embrace it! :) So here are a few pics of my new classroom:
My amazing husband created the city scape which is awesome!
Just to the right as you enter the door. |
To the left of the and money chart. I decided to do a class economy for my behavior management system this year. Hopefully it will work - I'm excited about using "super bucks"!
Further to the left...The other bulletin board Jordan helped me make after telling me how awful mine looked. :) At least he is willing to fix it! So excited to have a couch too! |
Continuing going around....library and guided reading table for my aide and my aides desk. |
Close up of the bulletin board. It's a lot going on in one spot for me, but my eyes will get used to it eventually. |
Another close up of the word wall and guided reading area #1. |
My desk area and guided reading area #2. Loving the ghetto table I put together. ha! I didn't think the one square would be enough to fit 5 fifth graders and me so I added a card table from home, it looks weird, but it works! Plus, aren't the stools adorable??? |
Student of the week section. |
View when you walk in the door.
Well I guess I should get to work...I still have a lot to do. At least I can rest knowing my room has no more bare bulletin boards...and let me tell you I had a lot to fill!! I was not used to having to fill that much space, but I am pretty happy with how it turned out!
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